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Digital Citizenship: Home

Using technology safely, responsibly, respectfully, and ethically


What is Digital Citizenship?

ISTE Standard 5. Digital Citizenship

Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship


How are we responsible with technology?

  • We protect our own and others' privacy
  • We are cautious with our digital footprint
  • We think before we send or post
  • We use techology in positive way-- 
    • to learn and explore
    • to collaborate and communicate
    • to create content


How Are We Respectful With Technology

  • We ensure that our online communication is kind.
  • We stand up against cyberbullying.
  • We contribute positive content


How Are We Ethical with Technology?

  • We use technology appropriately
  • We respect copyright
  • We provide creative credit
  • We do not plagiarize others' work

Your Digital Footprint

Protecting Your Privacy

How Do We Stay Safe Online?

  • Never share private information (birthdays, address, phone number)
  • Always use privacy settings (social media, gaming, etc)
  • Be careful about the photos we post of ourselves and others 
  • Turn off location services.  These can tell people where you are!
  • Don't spend too much time online.  Connect with people around you!


REC reminds us how to use technology responsibly.

R-- Respect
E-- Ethics
C-- Collaboration


What is Copyright?

Copyright protects authors and creators of original work.  It requires people to get permission before copying or sharing the work of others.  

Most of things you use on the internet, such as photos and images, videos, and information are copyrighted.

Before you copy and share someone else's work with others, you should get permission from the owner to use it. If it's for sale, you should buy it.  You should give credit to the person who created it.

What is Creative Credit?

You should always give CREDIT when using the creative work of others, whether it's a photo, image, video, quote, or a source of information.  What should you include when you give credit?

If possible, include all of the following when providing credit:
1. Title or name of the work
2. The author/creator of the work
3. A link to the original work

Photo Credit examples: 

Photo Credit: Lord Skully via Compfight cc

What is Fair Use?

Fair Use allows you to use part of someone's work without having to get permission or purchasing it.  This is allowed if you are using the work for educational purposes.  You should be creating something new rather than just copying it.  You should also give credit to the person who created the work.

Learn More

Would you like to learn more about copyright, fair use, and creative credit?
Check out these great resources!

Video:  Copyright and Plagiarism for Kids

Video:  Copyrights and Wrongs

Website: Copyright Kids

Website: Cyberbee