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Summer Learning: Activities

Keep your kids learning all summer long!


Attending summer camp is but one way to encourage learning in the summer. There are also lots of other things kids and families can do to keep their minds and bodies active all summer long. See suggestions in the links below.

Summer Health and Fitness

Activities from the PTSO coffee morning

Story Cube Blurbs: Create some cubes and decorate them with different characters, settings, and events. Then roll the dice to decide which characters, settings, and events you should include in your story.
Scribble Game Blurbs: Draw a scribble on a paper and then pass it to your partner. Then your partner can turn the paper around until their imagination strikes and they have an idea of how to make this scribble into something. Play as many times as you want. Try to make the scribbles more and more complicated as you play more. Use your imagination and have fun!

Cultural Institutions

Your local public library (or the public library in the city you are visiting) will have lots of activities and programs to keep kids reading and learning all summer long. Libraries often publish reading lists, organize reading clubs, invite speakers, and have cool makerspaces where kids can tinker and play. Resources are often free for out-of-town guests.

Writing Activities

Science Activities

Math Activities

Arts and Crafts