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MS-HS Learning Commons: Summer Learning

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AIS-R Summer Learning Guide - 2024

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Why Summer Learning?

2024 will be a great summer to access book stores and your local libraries. There are also online opportunities for summer learning which are beneficial for your learning!

AIS-R Summer Learning

10 Tips for Summer Learning

1. Read for pleasure every day for 30 minutes. 

2. Visit museums and public libraries (Public libraries offer lots of free programming including clubs and story times for kids). 

3. Have family discussions about interesting topics or share family stories at meal times or during long car trips.

4. Write in a journal every day

5. Watch a movie as a family and discuss it afterward. Or listen to an audiobook together.

6. Use math in the real world - cooking, budgeting, calculating, change at the store, etc.

7. Review and practice key skills in Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Science.

8. Set summer goals and work towards meeting them.

9. Aim for 60 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week.

10. Read the AIS-R Summer Learning Guide

Research Databases

Online Summer Camps