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MS-HS Learning Commons: Getting Started

All our resources in one place.

Warning: Information Flood

Google may seem like a great place to start, but it can provide 

TOO much information 

and you'll begin to feel 


There are lots of better places to find information:

1. Webpath Express: a search engine in your library catalog that finds only quality websites that have been checked by teachers and librarians.

2. The World Book Online: an encyclopedia is a great place to find background information on a topic. It can help you get a sense for the area you are researching and help you define your research question.

3. Wikipedia: What? Yes! It's OK to use Wikipedia at the beginning of the research process. You can learn some valuable background information to help you build knowledge and develop a research question. There are lots of free online encyclopedias: Infoplease;;;; dkonline.encyclopedia

3. Ebscohost: If you are looking for sources that are well-respected and will impress your teachers, this is the place to look.

Research Databases